Jerry Vivino

Jerry Vivino: Q&A

Who creates the content for the site?

All of the content as well as the site design and maintenance is developed and performed by volunteers and people associated with Jerry.

Does Jerry Vivino contribute to the site?

Yes, Jerry wrote his biography and contributed many of the photos on this site from his personal collection. When he has time, Jerry surfs the Postings Board and will respond to legit questions. Jerry plans to be very involved with this site.

I've searched for this site on Google and Yahoo, but it doesn't get listed. How come?

We have submitted this site to all of the major search engines, but it takes six to twelve weeks for them to get around to indexing the site. And they take a much greater interest in those sites that are willing to pay for placement, which we obviously can't afford to do. But hopefully, we'll be indexed on those search engines soon.

I've looked at this site on several different browsers and it seems to look a bit different on each. How come?

Different browsers handle the XHTML coding in different ways. Some browsers don't support all known functionality. Meanwhile, we suggest you use the latest version of any given browser. We also recommend NOT using the AOL browser. Instead, log on to AOL, but then open an external browser. (It will work.) As far as IE, Netscape and Safari are concerned, they each have advantages and disadvantages and they each handle our site slightly differently. If you find something that looks really bad on your browser, write to us and let us know. See the contact info below.

Some site pages take a really long time to load.

The creators are very into having the site contain lots of design and graphics. Unfortunately, that makes the site slow, ESPECIALLY on dialup connections. The site works pretty well on cable-modem and DSL connections and eventually, we expect almost everyone will have such high speed service. But each page will only take a long time the first time you load it. After that, the images will be stored in your cache and will load as if they were located on your hard disk, not via the Internet. But if you delete your cache, then they have to load over again and it will be slower.

Sometimes I see an indication that a page has been updated, but when I click the link to go to that page, it seems out-of-date. How come?

Some browsers don't deal with updated pages well and instead read the stored page from the cache. If you go to a page that you think should be updated and it doesn't look like it is, click the REFRESH icon in your browser. The new Apple Safari browser is particularly bad in this regard. If you still don't see the page updated, delete your cache. In IE, this can be found under Preferences->Advanced. Click on Empty Now and then OK.

I'm interested in having you build a site. Is that possible?

Certainly, please send an email to the site administrator and we'll get back to you.

How can we contact you?

See contact information on the Contact Us page.